"Taisei Sato Exhibition ~Beyond the Light~ Oil painting and glass painting" Galerie Nichido Nagoya Gallery
December 8, 2020 ~ December 19, 2020 Closed Sundays
We are pleased to introduce Mr. Taisei Sato's solo show with his new pieces. This exhibition will be held after two years with mainly glass paintings. Mr. Sato received the Showakai Award at the 12th Showakai in 1977, and began to hold major exhibitions at our gallery since the following year. His enthusiasm and elaborative creations have amazed us each time. He has been also supported by his fans and actively working as the top of the modern Western art world among the Showakai's historical award-winning artists in deed as well as in name.
This year, we have been experiencing the pandemic which is an unprecedent state of emergency. Various glass paintings of Mr. Sato we received for this exhibition take on light which seems to have brought indescribable glitter and cheer. His special technique is simply light and easy expressions that bring us peace of mind and move us with deep aroma hidden far in the bottom as we look closer. Please enjoy his glass paintings and oil paintings full of hope in this exhibition subtitled as "Beyond the Light."

"White Circus" Glass painting Diameter: 18cm

"Flowers and Notre Dame" Glass painting 17.9×13.9cm

"Goldfish in Aquarium" Glass painting 39.3×50.8cm

"Sunrise Mt. Fuji and Waves and Mother and Daughter" Oil paint 50F

"Venice Pigeons in Piazza San Marco" Oil paint 15F
December 8, 2020 ~ December 19, 2020 Closed Sundays
10:00-19:00 (11:00-18:00 Saturdays)
For further enquiry about the exhibition, feel free to contact us.
galerie nichido Nagoya
Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Nishiki 2-19-19
Hirokouji Center Place 1F
TEL: 052 (221) 1311
FAX: 052 (221) 1336