
Ryokuin (green shade) Gallery 2024
~Summer at Galerie Nichido Karuizawa


July 20 - September 1, 2024

We will exhibit the art pieces of the main gallery and contemporary art pieces of nca (Nichido Contemporary Art) in one place this summer.
We will welcome you in Karuizawa with scent of the wind.


Kazuya Sakamoto "Growth" Oil painting 40P

July 20 - September 1, 2024
10:00 - 17:00 Open every day during the exhibition

For further enquiry about the exhibition, feel free to contact us.
galerie nichido Karuizawa
Karuizawa-higashi Yashiki-ura
Next to the tennis court of the Karuizawa-kai
TEL: 0267 (42) 5671
© galerie nichido