The 57th Showakai Exhibition Nagoya Gallery

April 12, 2022 (Tue) - April 23, 2022 (Sat)
We are pleased to inform you of the 57th Showakai Exhibition. The publicly-offered Showakai Exhibition was launched in 1966, for the purpose of exploration and development of creators. Primarily thanks to support from the screeners and enthusiasts, it has produced a number of fresh creators for over a half century, and has grown to be called "the first step up to the ladder for young creators." We sincerely show our gratitude.
In the flow of time becoming informatized and diversity of artistic expressions, it is the important role for Showakai Exhibition to keep questioning the meaning of "concrete paintings / flat paintings." We will continuously put our endless efforts for development of creators who can make the world their stages. All of the prize-winning and nominated pieces are excellent also this year. Please visit us and enjoy power of the young.

April 12, 2022 (Tue) - April 23, 2022 (Sat)
Weekdays: 10:00 - 19:00 Saturdays: 11:00 - 18:00 (Closed Sundays)
For further enquiry about the exhibition, feel free to contact us.
galerie nichido Nagoya
Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Nishiki 2-19-19
Hirokouji Center Place 1F
TEL: 052 (221) 1311
FAX: 052 (221) 1336