Hisayuki Doi Exhibition - Memories of trip to France-

September 17, 2020 (Thu) - September 27, 2020 (Sun)
Open every day during exhibition
More than 30 pieces will be exhibited, which were painted through information collection in various places of France such as Paris, Auvers-sur-Oise, Moret-sur-loing, Bourgogne, etc. Please enjoy Mr. Doi's specialty "scenic images" painted with pastel crayon
Nichido Fukuoka Gallery
~I call my works as "scenic images." They describe landscapes, people and still lives as motifs like other paintings, but I would like to create with the viewers one scene which catches our eyes in the flow of time such as air, light, wind and temperature, etc. which differ from any of those other paintings.
Hisayuki Doi

Hisayuki Doi's biography: Born in Wakayama Pref. in 1976. Won the "Encouragement Award" at the Dokuritsu Exhibition in 2008 ("New Face Award" in 2009, "Honorable Mention Award" in 2010, 2011, 2014 and 2017, "Encouragement Award" in 2013 and 2015), Wakayama City Cultural Encouragement Award in 2013, Showakai Award at the 50th Showakai Exhibition and Okuwa Cultural Encouragement Award (Okuwa Educational and Cultural Promotion Foundation) in 2015, etc.
Currently: Associate member of the Dokuritsu Bijutsu Association, member of the Japan Artists Association, Wakayama Prefecture Artists Association
Business hours: 10:00 - 19:00 Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: 10:00 - 18:30
Please contact below for information on the exhibition.
Nichido Fukuoka Gallery
1st floor, Hotel New Otani Hakata, 1-1-2, Watanabe-dori, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City
Tel: 092(713)0440