Hiroki YAMAMOTO Exhibition-compendium of the modern, postmodern and coming young girls-, at galerie nichido Tokyo
November 6 [Wed]- 18 [Mon] 2019. Closed on Sundays.
Hiroki YAMAMOTO received the merit award at the 2011 Showa-kai Exhibition and gathers people's attention as a leading artist for realistic painting. He mainly draws beautiful women, wishing them to be loved forever on screens, films or in digital data as an eternal existence cutting off from the real time and space. While the exquisitely drawn figures on his paintings, often make us feel irresistible to touch on their surface, they are inviolable existence who live in the segregated world.
Stay tuned for his tremendous works including monumental ones at this exhibition of long-awaited new pieces.

In the Forest of Noema, 162.1×97 cm

Story for EveningⅡ, oil painting, 53×33.3 cm

PUBL1C DEFENS!VE WEAR(feat.IKEUCHI Hiroto×Kondo Riko), oil painting, 72.7×50 cm
Hours: 10am--7pm on weekdays/ 11am--6pm on Saturdays.
Open until 6pm on November 18, the final day of the exhibition.
For further enquiry about the exhibition, feel free to contact us.
galerie nichido Tokyo
Tokyo-to Chūou-ku Ginza 5-3-16
TEL: 03 (3571) 2553