Exhibition of Emiko JITSUISHI-Conversations with Nature-, at the galerie nichido Fukuoka

This is the first exhibition of Ms. JITSUISHI in Fukuoka. Feel comfortable to listen to her conversations with nature at the gallery.
* Emiko JITSUISHI will be in the gallery from the afternoon of March 9 to the evening of March 10.

1961 Born in Shizuoka
1984 Graduated the Oil Painting Department of the Musashino Art University
1989 Sent her paintings to the Sanki Exhibition for the first time, and received the Sanki Exhibition's Award for best new painter (submit the paintings every year since then)
1997 Grand Prize for the members of the Sanki Exhibition
2001 Merit Award of the Exhibition of Showa-kai (galerie nichido), Sanki-kai Award of the Sanki-kai Exhibition
2002 Exhibition of the Ueno-no Mori Grand Awards
2003 Shorei-sho Award Sompo Japan Fine Art Foundation
2004 Selective Shorei-sho Award Sompo Japan Fine Art Foundation
and many other individual and group exhibitions.
Hours: 10am-7pm on week days/ 10am-6:30pm on Saturdays and Sundays
Open until 6pm on the last day of the exhibition
Open every day during the exhibition
For further enquiry about the exhibition, feel free to contact us.
galerie nichido Fukuoka
Fukuoka-shi Chūou-ku Watanabe-douri 1-1-2
Hotel New Otani 1F
TEL: 092 (713) 0440